Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Could it be true?

So yesterday I get a call from my ex-husbands ex-wife. Wow that was a mouthful.  Anyway she has a kid which means my kids have a half-sister.  Usually the kids just chat on the  phone but she wanted to talk to me instead.  Well she wanted to gossip to me.  warning#133I found out that my kids deadbeat just dropped by to see his kid. Apparently it had been a long while since he had done that.  I told her that I was getting some small amount of child support.  That is usually when he becomes dad again.  He hasn’t seen my kids in over 7 years.  I think its because my oldest called him a liar.  But anyway back to the juicy gossip. Apparently she has been harassing child support for her back child support.  Pretty much told them that no one was doing their job blah blah blah.  I think she aggravated her case worker to the point she want to get rid of her. 

So anyway apparently they threw his ass in jail since he is about 15,000 dollars behind.  Apparently they can’t get out of jail until they have paid for said back child support.  Well guess who came to his rescue.  MOMMY!  She got some money when nanny died.  So apparently she promise to pay 13,000 dollars in back child support for him.  He was released from jail.  What I am worried about is she probably put some strings attached to that money.  Like start being involved in your kids life.  I would rather he just give up his rights, which he won’t.  All he does is lie and make my kids life miserable.  He likes to make promises he never keeps. The money isn’t as important as my kids happiness and sanity. 

 So he goes to court today.  His ex told me I should be getting a hefty check in the bank very soon.  Which would be awesome and sickening at the same time.  I notice his Facebook status (cause I am a stalker) states that he is going to court. His ex swears she checked with child support and she is suppose to get her money after one state transfers the funds to our states.  Or so she says. My luck it will get lost in the transfer. So I am not trying to count my chickens before they are hatched.  But its hard not to get giddy.  Finally, time for pay back. 

 My next dilemma.  They money is back child support which mean I have already supported these kids without any help.  So this is payment to pay back what was already spent correct?  Does that mean I have the right to spend is as needed?  Or does this mean I need to bank it and save it? You know how people who pay child support gets pissed when its not spent on the kids. My question for you guys is how the correct way to spend it? I would get their fall clothes with it definitely.  But really they don’t need much since I already bought them a lot of stuff anyway. I would love for a down payment on a house to get the hell out of this TIN CAN.  The kids really need more space for their rooms.  Would that be wrong?  

Which will lead me to my next blog…the man getting pissed that I want a house and out of this TIN can. GRRRRR.  Feedback please!!!


Leanna said...

Just like Ann says, use it to your discretion. Personally I'd go get a house with it since the market is good for buying right now. And also get school clothes for the kids.

Texan Zombie Goddess said...

Putting a decent roof over your childrens heads is also support. Use it as you see fit!!

Meghan said...

I'd say you already used that money to support the kids, so it's at your discretion to use however is needed. And seriously, your kids will benefit from a bigger house, so it's not like your using it to take a vacation or something.

Anonymous said...

I really like your blog as a fellow ER nurse. However, the posts are hard to read. Paragraphs, they are your friend, and mine :)

Unknown said...

Agreed, use it for which you want. I SO WISH there was an asshole tax, that is SO true! I would look into moving, that is supporting them. He has no say in how you spend it. I hope you get it!

AtYourCervix said...

You use it at your discretion. And actually, using it to put down on a house is FOR the kiddo's benefit! You do have to provide adequate housing for your child, and making a down payment on a house is providing housing = thus, it's for the kids! The same goes for paying off a car loan, or buying a car (especially if you currently own a crappy one). I mean, you need a car to drive your kids to school, the doctor, the dentist, etc.

You would be safe to spend it as you see fit.

Hell, take them on a nice vacation. It's good for their emotional state to be well rested and have quality family time with you.

Mass Hole Mommy said...

I say it all the time, but I am sooo thankful that my ex pays his support on time. He actually wants to see his kids, though, which I am finding out is more rare than I realized.

Chris said...

YOU have already paid for all the kids' stuff when he wasn't paying. This support money would just be paying you back. Use it at your discretion. That's my 2 cents.

Azmomo2andcounting said...

Yup its yours for keeping those kids alive!