Saturday, June 30, 2012

More Google Search and how you found my blog

  • humor
  • gunshot hole in pillow~ why does that sound like one of my as the redneck world turns posts?  Hmm well the summer isn’t over yet.
  • pig money box~ that’s just weird …what the heck is that?  A piggy bank that can box?  Or money that drops out of some pig’s box.  No idea
  • People eating candy and falling asleep~  first off why are you searching that combination?  Who falls asleep while eating candy.  Especially if it’s chocolate.  I am going to stay wide awake it all of it and look for more.
  • Falling asleep at work pictures~  well no such luck on this blog.  I am usually bitching about being over worked.  Then again maybe I am talking about some of the prn lazy nurses we have.  That might be a possibility
Thanks to all of those people who have accidently stumbled upon my blog.  I hope you come back and visit my insane asylum again.


Texan Zombie Goddess said...

how does one find out these things?

RedRaven said...

Click on stats and then traffic sources.